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Jika Di tanya, Apakah Anda dapat menghafal seluruh Al Quranul Karim 30 juz?”
Maka 90% akan menggeleng dan mengatakan “Sangat sulit saya tidak mampu!” dan yang 10% mungkin akan menjawab: “Mungkin boleh jika diberitahu cara2nya?
Jadi Inilah ‘Intinya’ kenapa saya segera tulis postingan ini???

Karena 90% atau lebih dari kita (termasuk saya sendiri tentunya) akan mengatakan Mustahil untuk Dapat/Mudah bagi kita hafal 30 juz,
“Semua jawaban itu SALAH!” “ Sepatutnya kita katakan, Insya Allaah Boleh!!!!”

Kenapa? Karena Al Quran itu Mu’jizat, dan satu-satunya Mu’jizat yang wujudnya dapat kita lihat sampai sekarang.
Menghafal Al Quran itu mudah, dan mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh SESIAPA SAJA jika mengetahui Caranya?

1. Niat Ikhlas menghafal Al Quran semata-mata mengharap Ridho Allah, (benar2 Ikhlas). “Ya Allaah aku niat menghafal Al Quran 30 Juz karena memohon Ridho-Mu semata. Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim.”

2. Al Quran hanya dapat dihafal oleh yang hatinya bersih. Untuk bersih Hati caranya Insya Allaah Mudah. Sebelum mulai menghafal baca Istighfar banyak2, mohon ampun dengan sungguh2 kepada Allaah. Tidak ada manusia yang TIDAK BERDOSA, dan Allaah sudah sampaikan salah satu cara bagi menghapuskan dosa adalah ISTIGHFAR banyak2. Minta Allaah ampuni kita dan bersihkan hati kita, Insya Allaah...

3. Al Quran itu kita hafal bukan karena kita menghafalnya, Akan tetapi adalah untuk memahami sebenarnya yang di perintahkan Allaah Bagi Hambanya yang Inginkan Kebhagian DUNIAWI & UKHROWI,
Allaah yang letakkan kefahaman itu kedalam hati kita, saya ulangi: Allaah yang letakkan kefahaman itu dalam hati kita. Jadi kita mohon kepada Allaah, agar Allaah tolong kita Memudahkan Menghafal Al Quran, dan letakkan kefahaman itu dalam hati kita

4. Hafalkan sedikit demi sedikit, karena inilah fitrah cara diturunkannya Al Quranul Karim, bukan langsung sekaligus tapi ayat demi ayat sesuai dengan Keperluan...
Maka hafalkan CUKUP 1 ayat sehari. Baca berulang2 minimal 100x dalam sekali baca, misalnya Sesudah habis subuh.
Lalu Jika Kita ada kesempatan baca lagi dan lagi.
Insya Allaah.. dengan cara ini nanti ayat itu akan meluncur seperti air yang mengalir.

5. Setelah beberapa hari gabung ayat2 yang sudah dihafalkan.

6. Demikian seterusnya sampai khatam seluruh Al Quran.
Pasti Ada yang akan Tertanya-tanya, Wah, kalau begitu berapa lama saya akan dapat hafal ?

Secara matematiknya, Jika seluruh ayat Al Quran berjumlah 6666, [betul ya?] berarti akan khatam kira2 18 tahun!!!
Wah lama sekali Tu!!!.
Namun Seluruh Al Quran saja genap turun kira2 23 tahun, Jadi angka 18 tahun itu wajar dan ‘alamiah’.

Karena Al Quran itu Mu’jizat, dan Allaahlah yang letakkan kefahaman itu di hati kita, sesuatu yang secara normal nampak TIDAK MUNGKIN boleh MENJADI MUNGKIN.
Jika kita sudah Mendapat Istiqomah mempraktekkannya maka Allaah akan BUKA Rahasia2-Nya...., Allaah juga akan tunjukkan jalan2-Nya.
Saya sendiri mengakui baru belajar Menghafal Al Quran ketika Sudah Berusia...
Namun Alhamdulillaah... Dengan Berkat Kesungguhan, Allaah Permudahkan Hafalan itu...
Mungkin setelah beberapa Ayat dan waktu yang kita ambil bagi menghafal Al Quran, Insya Allaah.. kita akan mudah menghafal 5 atau bahkan 10 ayat sehari, Insya Allaah...



Demikian, Sahabat dan Anak-anakku Fillaah yang dirahmati Allaah Sekalian... , Semoga Bermanfat Insya Allaah...
Selamat Mengamalkan, Semoga Allaah permudahkan jalan kita untuk dapat menghafal Al Quran, memahaminya, mencintainya dan menjalankannya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari Insya Allah...aamiin..

Karena kemuliaan dan kesucian Al Quran hendaklah kita memperhatikan dengan benar adab atau tatacara, dan sikap perilaku kita ketika membacanya.

WALLAAHUA`LAM...BISSHOWAB...Yang baik semuanya Untuk Allaah... dan mana ada kesalahan dan kesilapan pada tulisan itu adalah dari Sifat Kelemahan saya sendiri sebagai Makhluk-NYA.... Hanya Kepada-NYAlah akan saya memohon Keampunan dengan sepenuhnya.. Insya Allaah... aamiin...

Note: Artikel ini berasal dari berbagai sumber luar milik orang lain, dan maaf saya tak mencantumkan sumbernya dikarenakan telah lupa & tak tahu akan sumber tersebut.
Semoga pahala amal jariah selalu tercurah kepada pemilik asli yang sudah bersusah payah lagi ikhlas membuat artikel ini. Aamiin. 

Burung Beo Pak Ustad


Alkisah di sebuah pesantren, Seorang Ustadz memiliki burung sejenis Beo yang terlatih untuk berdzikir seperti: Assalamu'alaikum, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, dan lainnya

Suatu hari, pintu kurungan terbuka & burung itu terbang bebas. Sontak para santri mengejar burung milik guru mereka, sementara si burung terbang tidak terkontrol dan tertabrak kendaraan yang melintas dengan kencang h
ingga terkapar sekarat lalu meninggal

Sang Ustadz terlihat berbeda usai burungnya mati, nampak sekali sedih hingga seminggu lamanya.

Para santri yang melihatnya pun mengira Ustadz nya bersedih karena burungnya mati, mereka berkata:
"Ustadz, jika hanya burung yang membuat ustadz sedih, kami sanggup menggantinya dengan yang bisa berdzikir juga. Tak perlu ustadz bermurung hingga sedemikian lamanya!"

Sang Ustadz menjawab: "Aku bukan bersedih karena burung itu."
Para Santri: "Lantas kenapa ustadz?"
Sang Ustadz: "Kalian melihat bagaimana burung itu sekarat setelah tertabrak?"
Para Santri: "Ya, kami melihatnya."
Sang Ustadz: "Burung itu hanya bersuara KKKKAAKK, KKKKHHEEK, KKKKAAKK, KKKKHHEEK,,, padahal sudah terlatih berdzikir sedemikian rupa, namun saat merasakan PERIHNYA sakaratul maut menjemput, hanya perih yang terasa.

Padahal burung itu tidak diganggu setan saat sakaratul maut, sedangkan manusia diganggu setan saat sakaratul maut. Tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana keadaan kita mati, khusnul khotimah ataukah su'ul khotimah?"

Para Santri pun terdiam dan membenarkan Sang Ustadz, dan mereka pun ikut murung memikirkan hal yang serupa dengan Ustadz-nya, bagaimana keadaan mereka saat menjemput sakaratul maut?

AJAL tidak akan pernah menunggu kita bertaubat,

Justru kita lah yang seharusnya senantiasa menunggu AJAL sambil bertaubat.
Jauhilah maksiat meski sesaat, karena bisa jadi kita meninggal saat berbuat maksiat sesaat, lalu dibangkitkan di hari kebangkitan dengan keadaan sedang berbuat maksiat.

"Setiap manusia dibangkitkan sesuai dengan keadaannya saat meninggal. Abid dibangkitkan dalam keadaan Abid, Kafir dibangkitkan dalam keadaan Kafir." HR.Muslim

Ya Allah, lindungilah kami di akhir kami.
Jika kami harus menghadapmu, panggillah kami dalam keadaan baik & Khusnul Khotimah. Jauhkanlah kami dari fitnah setan yang mengganggu saat sakaratul maut . . . Aamiin

Note: Artikel ini berasal dari berbagai sumber luar milik orang lain, dan maaf saya tak mencantumkan sumbernya dikarenakan telah lupa & tak tahu akan sumber tersebut.
Semoga pahala amal jariah selalu tercurah kepada pemilik asli yang sudah bersusah payah lagi ikhlas membuat artikel ini. Aamiin. 

Pelajaran dari Wortel, Telur, Kopi

Seorang anak mengeluh pada ayahnya mengenai kehidupannya dan menanyakan mengapa hidup ini terasa begitu berat baginya. Ia tidak tahu bagaimana menghadapinya dan hampir menyerah. Ia sudah lelah untuk berjuang. Sepertinya setiap kali satu masalah selesai, timbul masalah baru.

Ayahnya, seorang koki, membawanya ke dapur. Ia mengisi 3 panci dengan air dan menaruhnya di atas api. Setelah air di panci-panci tersebut mendidih. Ia menaruh wortel di dalam panci pertama, telur di panci kedua dan ia menaruh kopi bubuk di panci terakhir. Ia membiarkannya mendidih tanpa berkata-kata. Si anak membungkam dan menunggu dengan tidak sabar, memikirkan apa yang sedang dikerjakan sang ayah.

Setelah 20 menit, sang ayah mematikan api. Ia menyisihkan wortel dan menaruhnya di mangkuk, mengangkat telur dan meletakkannya di mangkuk yang lain, dan
menuangkan kopi di mangkuk lainnya.

Lalu ia bertanya kepada anaknya, "Apa yang kau lihat, nak?" "Wortel, telur, dan kopi" jawab si anak. Ayahnya mengajaknya mendekat dan memintanya merasakan wortel itu. Ia melakukannya dan merasakan bahwa wortel itu terasa lunak. Ayahnya lalu memintanya mengambil telur dan memecahkannya. Setelah membuang kulitnya, ia mendapati sebuah telur rebus yang mengeras.

Terakhir, ayahnya memintanya untuk mencicipi kopi. Ia tersenyum ketika mencicipi kopi dengan aromanya yang khas. Setelah itu, si anak bertanya, "Apa arti semua ini, Ayah?" Ayahnya menerangkan bahwa ketiganya telah menghadapi kesulitan yang sama, perebusan, tetapi masing- masing menunjukkan reaksi yang berbeda.
Wortel sebelum direbus kuat, keras dan sukar dipatahkan. Tetapi setelah direbus, wortel menjadi lembut dan lunak.

Telur sebelumnya mudah pecah. Cangkang tipisnya melindungi isinya yang berupa cairan. Tetapi setelah direbus, isinya menjadi keras.

Bubuk kopi mengalami perubahan yang unik. Setelah berada di dalam rebusan air, bubuk kopi merubah air tersebut. "Kamu termasuk yang mana?," Tanya ayahnya. "Ketika kesulitan mendatangimu, bagaimana kau menghadapinya? Apakah kamu wortel,
telur atau kopi?"

Bagaimana dengan kamu? Apakah kamu adalah wortel yang kelihatannya keras, tapi dengan adanya penderitaan dan kesulitan, kamu menyerah, menjadi lunak dan kehilangan kekuatanmu.

Apakah kamu adalah telur, yang awalnya memiliki hati lembut? Dengan jiwa yang dinamis, namun setelah adanya kematian, patah hati, perceraian atau pemecatan menjadi keras dan kaku.

Dari luar kelihatan sama, tetapi apakah kamu menjadi pahit dan keras dengan jiwa dan hati yang kaku?

Ataukah kamu adalah bubuk kopi? Bubuk kopi merubah air panas, sesuatu yang menimbulkan kesakitan, untuk mencapai rasanya yang maksimal pada suhu 100 derajat Celcius. Ketika air mencapai suhu terpanas, kopi terasa semakin nikmat. Jika kamu seperti bubuk kopi,
ketika keadaan menjadi semakin buruk, kamu akan menjadi semakin baik dan membuat keadaan di sekitarmu juga membaik.Pelajaran dari Wortel, Telur, Kopi

Note: Artikel ini berasal dari berbagai sumber luar milik orang lain, dan maaf saya tak mencantumkan sumbernya dikarenakan telah lupa & tak tahu akan sumber tersebut.
Semoga pahala amal jariah selalu tercurah kepada pemilik asli yang sudah bersusah payah lagi ikhlas membuat artikel ini. Aamiin. 


My Dear,

I know this proposal letter might be a pleasant surprise to you as we don't know ourselves before. I am a Libyan born 25 years ago, now seeking asylum in Dakar Senegal under (UNHCR). I contacted you as a cause of my serious search for a reliable and trust worthy person that can handle such a confidential transaction of this nature.

My Late father former Defense Minister under the regime Ex president of Libya, but was assassinated by the rebels during the civil war and properties destroyed, but I narrowly escaped with some very important documents of (US$5.5M) Five Point Five Million U.S Dollars deposited by my late father in a high financial company here in Dakar Senegal under.

However, I seek with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality like you to help me transfer this money pending when I will come over to your country for us to meet for investment of the money. Furthermore, I only want this to be done this way because your country is politically stable for any profitable investment, and I also want to add here that if accepted by you, you will serve as the original beneficiary of the money.

I feel confidence therefore, to introduce this offer to you. For your participation and all your assistance regarding this transfer, I have decided to give you 15% of the total money. Therefore, you are requested to furnish me back immediately you receive this request to transfer this money from Dakar Senegal to your country resident account or any account of your interest.

On commencement of this transaction I want to let you understand that the future of myself depends solely on this money. So please keep this business to yourself only to avoid raise eye brow of any third party.

I am eagerly expecting your urgent response.

Yours Sincerely,


Movers and Packers Bangalore

Welcome to the Castle Packers and Movers. We are one of the oldest transport companies operating since 10 years in India financial capital city, Bangalore.
Packers and Movers Bangalore, Movers and Packers Bangalore, Car Movers in Bangalore, Car Carrier Bangalore, Warehousing Services Bangalore, Household Goods Shifting Bangalore, Insurance Services Bangalore, Relocation Services Bangalore, Movers and Packers in Bangalore, Packers and Movers in Bangalore, Packers and Movers Bangalore, Movers and Packers Bangalore, Car Movers in Bangalore, Car Carrier Bangalore, Warehousing Services Bangalore, Household Goods Shifting Bangalore, Insurance Services Bangalore, Relocation Services Bangalore, Movers and Packers in Bangalore, Packers and Movers in Bangalore.
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My name is Kevin. I own several personal finance related sites and I wanted to see if there was a fit for any of your clients to advertise on them such as sponsored posts, sidebar links, links in old posts, etc. PR4 PR3 PR3 PR3 PR3 PR3 PR3 PR3 PR2 PR2 PR1 PR1 PR1

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Thank you,


Mutual Profitable Project-Funds Available(REPLY)

Dear Sir/Madam

For the fact that I do not know you and have not had any previous relationship with you made it clear that am reposing a great deal of trust on you. How are you?together with your family, I hope all is well with you over there.

My name is Mr. Biyah A. Ruben, a citizen of Niger Republic, business associate to Mr. Saif Al-Islam who was arrested 20th November 2011 with two of his Aids while trying to flee to Niger Republic by the National Transition Government who over threw the late Colonel Gadaffi Government after the 9 months war. In the opinion not to loose all the properties with us Mr. Saif Al-Islam decided to separate the properties of which I have been given three trunk boxes, two of them containing US dollar 100 Bills to the tune of US$78Million [SEVENTY EIGHT MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS] which the whole bills has been defaced into black which enabled me easy shipment of the consignments funds to a nearby country called Benin Republic in a bank vault, the third box contain some huge Quantity and Quality 22carat gold.

When we all departed in our separate way, I later had that the convoy leading Saif Al-Islam has been arrested. Be rest assured that there is no risk over this transaction as everything is being perfected and currently am the only person that knows where the funds and the gold were lodged, even the son of Gadaffi Saif does not know the current position of the fund and the gold as he has been made to believe that am dead but I escaped the bomb attack from the rebels, so be rest assured you are free to work with me and no problem and risk involved but we need to work it out quick. You can watch press TVA or Aljazeera TV for more information for you to understand and comprehend with me properly.

please go through this important message to comprehend everything about this transaction. I want you to understand that I called you to participate in this business because of trust I have in you and if you accept with your full mind to participate, you must be ready to adhere to my advices and my guidelines without any argument or doubt. All the legal transfer document will be done accordingly..

Before we proceed and sending you the procedure to actualize the transfer, I have one question:





Can you travel to Benin Republic for this purpose because I will like you to be there to enable you see everything with your eyes and face to fact about the project. Or do you want to use the services of the accredited attorney to do the needful for us? The bank manager stated that the fund can be transferred from their bank in Benin Republic but you will have to open a non resident account with them where the fund will be first lodged and further transfer to your account in your country. You can arrange to travel down there to set up the account or you can use the services of the bank accredited lawyer for the service down there to set up the account and get all the legal transfer document. I want to be sure you can handle this transaction because the opening of the account will cost you some money and that is the only amount the transaction will cost you till the fund arrives your account. Yes the possibility to effect the fund via bank to bank transfer is good but will ne

ed your respond to me if you know

I can make an urgent arrangement to move the funds to Europe if you will be more comfortable to deal with it in Europe, let me know.

I will also prefer you talk with Bank director to arrange for a face to face meeting in as i consider the project too mature for distance communication.Hope you understand.

My Very Best Regards

Mr. Biyah D. Ruben

ATTN : My Dear Friend,

ATTN : My Dear Friend,

Dear Sir

I write to solicit your collaboration and support to enable us execute a very
lucrative and high profiting business transaction. I am very sure that with
trust and understanding, we can be able to execute this business to our
mutual benefit and believe that you will not let down the trust I am willing to repose in you. I work for an Ivorian based public international firm (a MIC), I work as the corporate affairs manager. Between the 17th -19th of may, 2011 a business seminar was held in Yamoussoukro Cote d'Ivoire of which I attended. While in the Seminar, I was opportune to meet a renowned Farmer who happen to be the 15th President of a family farm, he is an accomplished and widely known and recognized millionaire farmer in this part of the region. He has farms in different countries.

Above all, he is one of the greatest supplier of cattle, beef and other diary products in this part of the coast.On getting to know my profession, Alhaji the farmer took me into confidence by informing me about the purchase of a particular but very important medicine for his cattle. He informed me that he buys this product at five thousand dollars per carton, and that he mostly buys to the excess of 450 cartons. He informed me that he would like me to find out if my organization could source for him a cheaper supplier considering the recent trend of falls in the general price of beef in the world market which is affecting his business. Back in my office, I discussed this proposal with my boss and he decided to handle the supply ourselves. We carried out a market research and discovered that we could purchase these medicine somewhere cheaper in Europe for two thousand two hundres dollars per carton . We moved a proposal to them to supply at four thousand eight hundred dollars per carton of which his farm company accepted.Owing to my role in the transaction, I had an agreement with my director to be receiving 15% of whatever gain is made on each supply of which he agreed.

But on the completion of the supply and the receipt of the payment,my boss renegaded on our agreement and refused to give me my share of the
profit. Since then our relationship has been solied. I have since accepted it
as one of life experiences. However, as faith would have it, recently, I ran into Alhaji and he informed me that he would want us to urgently supply him with 1,250 cartons of the same product before the end this year 2012. I used the opportunity to inform Alhaji that I can introduce him to the main producer of this vaccine who can supply him the product at four thousand four hundred if he will pay in advance as he usually does. He was very pleased and has assured me that he is not going to contact my boss again for this vaccine. He is now waiting for me to link him to the producer of the vaccine.

We will buy the medicine at two thousand two hundred dollars from the
manufacturing company and sell at four thousand four hundred dollars to
Alhaji,with him making a down payment of 50% of our quoted price first. If you are interested and capable of handling this supplies on my behalf,
kindly get back to me urgently through my e-mail, so that we can agree on
the terms and profit sharing, after which I can then furnish you with the contacts of both our source and that of Alhaji. Kindly be notified that at no point in time should you let Alhaji know that you are not the producer of the medicine and we should never allow him to know the contact of our real source in Europe so that he wouldn't by pass us to deal directly with
them. Please you can contact me directly forfurther details.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Fanny Atigogo